Hello. I currently have four Patreon campaigns. You can support me on one or all of them.

In my first campaign I am attempting to create support for the defeat of aging by helping people to overcome pro-aging mindsets. My efforts with this involve publishing articles, books, Tweets. I also post to Reddit, Facebook, Medium, Patreon, and more to try to spread this valuable message.

In my second campaign you can donate to me if you want to help support my efforts to create and/or establish social media sites that share net advertising profits with users/members. I am currently working on a relatively short book that I will publish. I am also research how to best create a social media site/app that shares advertising profits with users/members.

In my third Patreon, I am attempting to help create support for universal basic income and basic income cryptocurrencies.

In my fourth, and last Patreon, you can donate to me if you want to help further my efforts to spread and disseminate Tenqido, a form of qigong.